Welcome to Open Davidson

How to Use our Tool


Wondering Where to Start?

Below is a list of important key figures, groups, and events found in Davidson's History, known as the "Controlled Vocabulary." Click on a term below to begin your historical research.

Controlled Vocabulary:

"Some of the terminology used is reflective of the language used historically by members of the Davidson community. These terms may be, but are not necessarily, outdated, offensive, and/or harmful. While we would not use this terminology today, it is important to search for these terms in historical documents to surface valuable information for researchers today." (Davidson College Archives 2024)

About the Project

With the commencement of the Commission on Race and Slavery in 2017, Davidson College has received many requests from African American descendant community members wanting to learn about their heritage dating from slavery to the late twentieth century. One important source of information came from The Davidsonian, a student publication that served as both a local and school news source for many years. From important historical events to simple visitors’ reports, The Davidsonian is often a starting point for historical researchers. However, this valuable information seemed to be lost as there was no way to search through the documents without manually reading every issue. To make it easier for both researchers and family members seeking information about loved ones, the 2024 Community Research Fellows were tasked with coming up with a digital tool that could assist with historical research of Davidson College.

The goal of our project is to make Davidson’s history easily accessible to all. Our student, faculty, and staff team took a deep dive into Davidson College history, including its connections to slavery, and how that history has shaped the community around the college. In collaboration with historian Hilary Green and the Davidson College archives, our team has created text files and searchable pdfs out of the Davidsonian. In addition, we have built this website to enable both simple and advanced searches across all the pages. Throughout this process, our team has learned and applied computational techniques and tools, including image binarization, OCR, generative AI assistants, APIs, and RAG, and learned about the Digital Humanities field as a whole. We hope that more people will be able to gain valuable information about Davidson’s history by using this website.


The goals of this project were to create searchable pdfs and readable text files from the Davidson scans currently housed in the Archives system. The central process in this goal was Optical Character Recognition (OCR). OCR refers to the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format. Our project's aim was to use OCR to create searchable PDFs as well as a corpus of text files containing all the contents of the Davidsonian. With this corpus, we would be able to create a search tool to increase the accessibility of Davidson's history to researchers, families, and community members.

The OCR process necessitated subprocesses before and after, known as preprocessing and postprocessing. Both of these subprocesses are intended to increase the content captured and the accuracy of the text in our final text files. Accuracy measurements and tests were based on 5 ground truth documents, or pages of the Davidsonian that were manually typed out. Our workflow is briefly explained in the following sections.

Pre Processing

Our preprocessing methodology required us first to classify scans according to their quality. Using the in-depth data that we collected on each scan, we constructed a composite score to compare across all the documents. If any document fell below a specified threshold, we deemed it a low-quality scan.

Histogram of image quality composite scores

Because preprocessing methods are intended to eliminate the image quality errors that may worsen OCR quality, we only wanted to pre-process scans we deemed as low-quality. In the image above, you can see one of our most extreme examples of this binarization process from a page of the January 15, 1920 Davidsonian issue. On the left you will see the original document, and on the right you will see the binarized version.

Example of a scan before and after image binarization

Once we identified the low-quality scans, we ran each of them through a binarization process adapted from the Berlin State Library. The binarization process greatly increased the amount of text captured from low-quality scans in the OCR process.


The second step of our process was to run all 23,000 documents through Tesseract, an open-source OCR engine by Google that recognizes and extracts text from documents. Through our research, we found Tesseract to be the most accessible and useful tool for our project. For each scan (inputted as a tif file) we produced a searchable pdf and a text file. Although the text files were comprehensible and had respectable levels of accuracy, there were still areas obfuscated by miscellaneous characters or errors in the text.

Image showing the difference in captured text before and after OCR

See the above image for a side-by-side comparison of what Tesseract produced (left) versus what should have been produced, also known as the "Ground Truth" (right). To correct these errors and increase the accuracy of the text files, we began investigating methods of postprocessing to refine the files produced by Tesseract.

Post Processing

To finalize our text files, we investigated ways to reduce error rates after the OCR process. We needed an automated way to identify and fix spelling errors, ambiguous characters and spacing, as well as formatting mistakes. Text generative and instruction-fine tuned large language models were the most promising tool that emerged from our investigaiton. We evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of both open-source models and paid tools. We were granted access to Davidson's GPT 4.o workspace, allowing us to explore the ways OpenAI's model could serve as a post-processing tool. Weighing open-source models against OpenAI's functionality showed us that we do not have the computing resources to run a large, open-source LLM of comparable efficenty to GPT on our local computers.

Exploring OpenAI as a post-processing tool required extreme intentionality to prevent hallucinations from the model and increase the reliability of the output. To prevent hallucinations, we crafted thoughtful prompts (instructions to our model) and tested each of them against our ground-truth documents. To increase reliability, we minimized the temperature of the model, which can be explained as the randomness or creativity of the model. To prevent any changes to names or historically significant fields, we also fed our controlled vocabularly into our model's knowledge base and instructed it to preserve those fields with special care.

Tool Building

The final product of our research was this search tool, Open Davidson. Our goal was to increase the accessibility to the Davidsonian’s contents and guide users to the original source. Our site uses Whoosh (a fast, pure Python search engine library) to search the database of over 20,000 text files for user queries. We developed algorithms to match specific lines with user queries as well, allowing users to see the context around their query in each document. Additionally, we provide users with links to the scanned pdf of the page, and the tif file of the entire issue for their reference. We give users the ability to search complex queries using a vast supply of operators and filters as well as sorting options for the search results. To assist in the management of advanced research projects, our site offers the option to save each query’s results as a csv file for storage and later reference.

Open Davidson

We named our project "Open Davidson" to honor several inspirations. The most direct link is to OpenAI, whose tools we used for post-processing all our documents. Our success also relied heavily on open source software, which was essential for our pre-processing and OCR steps and freely available to the public. Additionally, Open reflects our mission to Open The Davidsonian, making information readily accessible to everyone.

Meet the Team

Picture of community research fellows standing together

2024 Community Research Fellows

Community-based research (CBR) is “a form of investigation in which the question to be studied arises from the needs of a group of individuals, such as undocumented workers or people who are homeless; from a concern of a nonprofit organization; or from the interwoven social challenges a geographic or other type of community faces (Beckman & Long, 2016, p. 1).” Over the past 10 years, the Center for Civic Engagement at Davidson has played a central role in several community needs assessments and facilitated community-based research projects through academic courses in partnership with faculty. In 2010, the Associate Dean served on the advisory board for the Lake Norman Area Community Needs Assessment and then the Center engaged students and faculty in ongoing updates to the 2010 structure in 2014 and 2018. In the summer of 2020, the Center for Civic Engagement and faculty in the Data CATS program collaborated to launch the community research program that engages students in place-based community research.

This year, the Community Research Fellows took a deep dive into Davidson College history, including its connections to slavery, and how that history has shaped the community around the college. In collaboration with historian Hilary Green and the Davidson College archives, we scraped digital assets, including the Davidsonian, and built this tool that makes it easy to search, summarize and analyze them.

Picture of Hannah Holmes

Hannah Holmes Class of 2026
Hannah is an Anthropology Major, Data Science Minor from Beaumont, Texas. During the academic year, she works in the Archives and actively participates in the Dionysia theater club. She has greatly appreciated the interdisciplinary nature of the project and the opportunity to explore the Davidsonian. Hannah is thrilled to present this tool to the community and takes immense pride in the achievements of the team.

Picture of Kerem Atas

Kerem Atas Class of 2026
Kerem is a Computer Science Major, Data Science Minor from Bursa, Turkey. On campus, he works for Davidson Outdoors and for the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. He is interested in applying tools and methods of data science to understand contemporary socio-political issues.

Picture of Mary Elizabeth Shoop

Mary Elizabeth Shoop Class of 2026
Mary Elizabeth is a Political Science Major, Data Science Minor from Asheville, NC. On campus, she works in the Writing Center, grades for the Computer Science Department, and runs on the Cross Country and Track teams. She has experience working on congressional campaigns, in policy research, and with public opinion polling.

Picture of Philo Gabra

Philo Gabra Class of 2025
Philo is a Computer Science Major, Data Science Minor from Cairo, Egypt. On campus, he works for Davidson Technology & Innovation (T&I) as a Student Consultant and for the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science as a grade. He has been an active member and secretary of the Davidson International Association (DIA). He has researched and developed in many fields including VR, machine learning, mobile development, etc.

Picture of Dr. Laurie Heyer

Dr. Laurie Heyer Associate Dean for Data & Computing, Kimbrough Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chair of Genomics
Laurie J. Heyer is the John T. Kimbrough Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Associate Dean for Data and Computing, and co-director of the Community Research Fellows program at Davidson College. She has co-authored two biology textbooks and conducts collaborative research with students and colleagues in data science.

Picture of Dr. Aubrey Condor

Dr. Aubrey Condor Former Assistant Professor of the Practice of Data Science
Aubrey Condor is a data scientist and researcher specializing in the use of artificial intelligence for educational applications. She previously taught courses at Davidson college as part of an interdisciplinary data science minor.

Picture of Dr. Hilary Green

Dr. Hilary Green James B. Duke Professor of Africana Studies
Hilary N. Green is the author of Educational Reconstruction: African American Schools in the Urban South, 1865-1890 (Fordham University Press, 2016) and Unforgettable Sacrifice: How Black Communities Remembered the Civil War (Fordham University Press, 2025).

Picture of Dr. Stacey Reimer

Dr. Stacey Reimer Associate Dean of Students, Director of the Center for Civic Engagement
Stacey has over 30 years of experience in higher education as a practitioner and faculty member. At Davidson, she provides strategic direction, supervision and management for the areas of civic engagement, leadership development, experiential learning, student activities and the college union. Immediately prior to coming to Davidson, she served as a lecturer in the Higher Education graduate program at Syracuse University and was involved with the development of innovative curricula around learning communities, community-based learning, and critical reflection. Each semester she teaches a seminar on high impact experiential learning.

Special Thanks to
Library Staff
Davidson T&I